There are no scheduled events.
A bathroom down the hallway or under a town square, or an airport, or a club or a gas station. Crossed by a variegated and transitory humanity. It’s a crossing point, a waiting room, a meeting place for strangers, a dressing room where you can touch wood, hide, relieve yourself. It’s the devil’s den, an antichamber, a door before a farewell or a baptism of fire.
Seasons of life pass through a bedroom: visits of friends, memories, dreams, to visit as the last possible act of resistance. We see ourselves in ten, fifty, seventy years, like the child that, scared by the needle, still plays doctor. Like those who, after all, aren’t ever really ready to grow old, to die or to be alive.
Sulla Morte Senza Esagerare
A threshold between this world and the next, where souls take their leave of bodies, there stands our Death. The living fear her, escape her, deny her, look for her, dare her, invoke her. Death is certain, they say. Even with all those delays in delivery, accidents, clumsy attempts, blank firing and souls returned to the sender! What does Death know anyway, she who is immortal, of what dying is about?
A bathroom down the hallway or under a town square, or an airport, or a club or a gas station. Crossed by a variegated and transitory humanity. It’s a crossing point, a waiting room, a meeting place for strangers, a dressing room where you can touch wood, hide, relieve yourself. It’s the devil’s den, an antichamber, a door before a farewell or a baptism of fire.
Seasons of life pass through a bedroom: visits of friends, memories, dreams, to visit as the last possible act of resistance. We see ourselves in ten, fifty, seventy years, like the child that, scared by the needle, still plays doctor. Like those who, after all, aren’t ever really ready to grow old, to die or to be alive.
Sulla Morte Senza Esagerare
A threshold between this world and the next, where souls take their leave of bodies, there stands our Death. The living fear her, escape her, deny her, look for her, dare her, invoke her. Death is certain, they say. Even with all those delays in delivery, accidents, clumsy attempts, blank firing and souls returned to the sender! What does Death know anyway, she who is immortal, of what dying is about?
About us
Teatro dei Gordi is an independent theatre company funded by a group of artists who graduated from Scuola d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi di Milano. Since 2010, Gordi have met and worked together to create theatrical shows, to share experiences of training and organize cultural projects. They nourish themselves on meetings and collaboration, defending their work as a collective creation. In 2015, thanks to project T.R.E – Teatro in rete per emergere, they won Fondazione Cariplo Call “Funder35”, and were able to strengthen their organisational structure. From then on, the company relies on director Riccardo Pippa’s sensitive look on art and pursues a non-verbal theatre, rather physical, meant for actors with and without masks, that aims to overcome the language barrier amid the audience. In 2019, the Company received the Hystrio-Iceberg award, which refers to Gordi as one of the most interesting groups among the milanese and italian theatrical scene.
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